Contact Information and Company History


Thank you for your interest. Please reach out with questions or comments using the information below. We look forward to hearing from you.

Service Area
New York, NY

Hours of Operation
24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week


Global Emerging Growth Capital (GEGC) is now a family office and tends to seed its accounts with relatively small sums of dollars in order to maintain a performance record with the reporting agencies. GEGC no longer seeks clients,but may entertain exceptional prospects. This is because GEGC serves to manage the millions of the portfolio manager who seeks long-term capital appreciation. For GEGC, growth of marketed assets is not as important as is performance from organic growth. Thus, should GEGC have a client prospect, it would be very selective. Qualified prospects would be screened on various measures, such as suitability requirements. The minimum established account size is $10,000,000.

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GEGC Contact and History